Well hello my wonderful little bABies and Diaper Lovers! I am so excited to see you in my nursery. I hope you are ready to play; we’ll have so much fun together!
My nursery has everything an ab/dl could ever want – a padded adult-size changing table stocked with both disposable and cloth diapers, inserts, plastic pants (I love adding extra inserts to make your bottom super padded); an adult size high chair with harness to keep you from squirming all around while I feed you nummy baby food. There’s a rocking chair big enough for two so we can cuddle during story time…and for over the knee spankings when you are naughty! And after we rock I can lay you in my locking crib to keep you safe and secure…and sometimes to keep you out of trouble!
I can’t wait to talk with you and play out all of your ab/dl fantasies. You can see more about the type of fun we can have; just see my profile at phoneamommy.com/ella.html. Or call your soon-to-be-favorite ABDL nanny today – 888-430-2010.
~Nanny Ella~